Orkesterværker orchestral works
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Instrumental solo instrumental solo
Sang solo vocal solo
Kor choral
Kirkemusik sacred music
Guitar guitar
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Welcome to my working room
From these sites you can get familiar to my music.
You can listen, read, or download scores and programme notes. Some of my works are published by an editor - in that case you will find a link.
Use the navigation menu at your left to surf
between the different genres. Many of the articles,
reviews and notes are only available in Danish, please send a request for an English translation, if needed.
John Frandsen

Symphony No. 1 - Dance of the Demons (1998)
John Frandsen clearly is a talented composer with an enjoyable personal idiom. The orchestral music here is strongly gestural (the recurring use of chimes in the first movement of the symphony, for example), but with an equal fund of long, lyrical lines that often sound quite ravishing. (...) The First Symphony is particularly successful both as a whole and in its parts.
(David Hurwitz, www.classicstoday.com
Odense Symfoni Orkester
Christian Eggen, dirigent
Variations on a Falling Star (1996)
... Andre gode oplevelser var John Frandsens melodiske og vellykkede Variations on a Falling Star, der overraskende afslører sig som variationer over den fra Disneys juleshow så kendte melodi "Når du ser et stjerneskud". Herligt, at komponister som Frandsen tør den slags - når resultatet vel at mærke som her bliver god, høreværdig, interessant musik.
(Thomas Michelsen, Information)

Fine, nye salmer. (...) John Frandsen viser i melodierne til Versebog om det Gudommelige noget af den spændvidde, man kan finde i hans produktion. Det lykkes ham at komme ind under teksterne og give dem luft. Han trækker på traditionen, men uden, overordnet set, at give køb på sit avancerede tonesprog.
(Jakob Brønnum, Århus Stiftstidende)
Kammerkoret Convivium
John Frandsen, dirigent
Ensemble 2000
Morten Ryelund, dirigent

Lux aeterna
Sine Bundgaard, sopran
DR Symfoniorkestret
DR Koncertkoret
Dirigent: Henrik Vagn Christensen
Requiem (2010)
John Frandsen has achieved a modern milestone ...
Frandsen has marshalled his large choral and orchestral forces with a resolute mastery, clearly relishing the vivid imagery and word-painting opportunities...
This eloquent statement deserves the widest circulation.
Malcolm Riley
Gramophone, Nov. 2014