Kaleidoscope (2015)

for cello og prepareret klaver cello and prepared piano

Et kaleidoskop er et rør med et kikkerthul i den ene ende og farvede glasstykker i den anden. Indvendigt er det udstyret med spejle anbragt i forhold til hinanden, således at der dannes symmetriske mønstre, når man kigger gennem kikkerthullet. Mønstrene skifter, når røret drejes eller rystes.

Kaleidoscope for cello og klaver er en lyrisk sonate, der danner sådanne skiftende musikalske mønstre. Værket er baseret på tematisk materiale fra min kammeropera

"Et Dukkehjem", som begge de to musikere, der uropførte og indspillede sonaten, medvirkede i.

A kaleidoscope is a tube-shaped optical instrument with mirrors inclined to each other in an angle, so that small pieces of colored glass at the end of the tube are seen as symmetric patterns when viewed from the other end. Rotation of the tube causes motion of the glass pieces, resulting in new patterns.

Kaleidoscope for cello and piano is a lyrical sonata that creates similar ever-changing musical patterns. The piece is based on musical material from my chamber opera

"A Doll's House", in which both of the two young musicians who premiered and recorded the sonata took part.

Partitur score


performance material

kontakt komponisten

CD recording

Adam Stadnicki, cello

Galya Kolarova, piano

Claudio Records CR6041-2

Adam Stadnicki, cello

Galya Kolarova, piano

The Frandsen is unique and the Janacek and Brahms are well worth hearing as performed by these talented young players.

Dave Billinge

Music Web International